Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ancient China Webquest

Please post your comments about the British Museum Ancient China Online Exhibit below.


raj said...

it's amazing

Anonymous said...

i like the wall . (:

Anonymous said...

it's hugeeee. :)

Hamad.R said...

The exhibit is like a real museum, you feel like you are really in the museum.Three artifacts you will find is the bronze ram, a jade Bi and the dragon bone. My favorite activity was watching the mini videos because it helps you understand better. The museum has categories which is very helpful when we were looking for something in a specific category. The online museum is great but it cant beat going to the museum and looking for yourself

Vanessa said...

The exhibit was actually really good.I did learn a bunch of new facts.Well the layout was quite helpful,because it was split up in five sections.It made it easier to go through and find the answers.One of the many artifacts that you can see is a dagger handle,that was found in someone's tomb; its a gold-ish color and looks really detailed. There is also a jade bi , that is from the Shang Dynasty. Its silver/gray and the inscription is has, is from 18th century A.D. My favorite activity was the story , once you clicked on it , it would have a story about some of the history behind the section you are in.

rajk said...

It's really cool and fresh and you are really surprise to see that. i wish i could take some pics.

raj said...

i learned to much from the exhibit. and the longest river yangzi river

Mark M. said...

hi,i liked this online British museum. my favorite activity was reading the short stories, more like folktale. my 3 favorite objects were about bronze, jade, and and bi, but my favorite was bi, because i loved the form of it. i liked the story about Nu Gua, because it was interesting to know about Chinese believe in.

Anonymous said...

This exhibit was about china culture and custom's that they had and still do. The British Museum Showed geography and all types of different crafts that the Chinese used.Some of the artifacts gallery were the bi jade and lots of elephants tusk carvings.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit is good, but it was hard to find things because they were really spread out. Some of the artifacts were the jade bi (a circle with a hole in the middle made of jade) some bones with writing on them, and a dagger handle found in a tomb. My favorite activity was the writing challenge because it was neat to see what the symbols for different words in Chinese.

Unknown said...

The exhibit is divided into five separate parts all relating to ancient China. Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. You can easily go from subject to subject as if you were walking from gallery to gallery. In the exhibit is a jade Bi. This was placed over dead bodies when they were buried. Another artifact found the gallery are jade pendants. These were placed on the bodies of wealthy people when they were buried. A last artifact is the ding. This was a three legged food container that could often be found in tombs during the dynasties of Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han. My favorite activity from the exhibit was in the Tomb part. It was very interesting to me to be able to look through all parts of the tomb and see the differences between the servants quarters and the parts for wealthy people.

JAMIE said...

The website lay out is very understandable, and simple to use, the website is based on very simple but easy sections. i felt that i learned a lot about ancient china from this activity and can be kinda fun.
1. jade
2. minerals
3. clay
the best activity i think is the geography link.

joey said...

the exhibit was divided into 5 diffrent parts whitch we were serching to find the answers for the question that our teachers gave us. i saw jade, bronze, and also the rams head. my favorite activity was finding all the answers to the work sheet

Alycia D said...

The exhibit was very interesting and felt as if i was there my self. One of three artifacts is Someone who studies the history of language is called a Philologist. Qin Shi was very important for creating a unified empire. The last artifact is why was it important to please you ancestors? Well, if you didn't they wouldn't ask the gods to bring better fortune for you. Those where my opinion on the exhibit and three artifacts from the website. -Alycia D

haig said...

the layout of OF THE MUSEUM WAS divide into 5 parts of the chinese wig. a couple of artifacts that i saw were jade which is made of nephrite. also the sericulture was very dicusting because the took the silk of the slik worm. my favorit activity was Q 2 because it was -154 meters below sea level and thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica L. said...

The museum was very well organized and it was easy to find the information your were looking for. There were five different show rooms that you could explore, Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. I learned all kinds of things. I learned how to make silk, what jade is made out of, and how the Chinese believed they were created by Nu Gua. The museum was very helpful to learn about ancient China.

Jessica G said...

In the exhibit we did we very fun and interesting to read about and fun to look for the answers to the questions. The 3 artifacts that i learned about through this exhibit. One of them is Bi i never new what that was till today it is a large flat disk with a central hole in the middle of it. another one is i learned what jade was made out of, its made out of nephrite its very tough and hard materal. The qin shi huangdi, he was known for creating a unifuied empire with a centralided admisistraction and corrency.

Lauren said...

I think that the layout of this online museum was good because it was separated into different parts. Each part was dedicated to a different subject about China like writing, time, crafts and artisans, tombs and ancestors, and geography. Three artifacts that can be found on this site is a jade bi that has a bunch of Chinese writing around it. Another object that can be found on this online museum is the tombs and also all of the pottery that were made. My favorite activity that we did was the story about how the Chinese people were made.

Greg D said...

This exhibit was about china culture and custom's that they had and still do. The British Museum Showed geography and all types of different crafts that the Chinese used.Some of the artifacts gallery were the bi jade and lots of elephants tusk carvings. One of the activities that i played was the Geography challange, this activity used your infrancing and geography skill to figure out where the charictors lived, that is why this activity stuck with me.

Anonymous said...

this is a mind bolting expereance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eddy said...

eddy sayy...
its veryy amazing ohh my god. what i liked about it was that the pictures u put up i like it it nice. i want to go to china one day =] hehe

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of learning about the jade

Anonymous said...

gio my favorite part about learning this is the jade

Anonymous said...

tj hairston said

I find this website very interesting i found out facts i never knew before

Nick S said...

it was amazing to learn about ancient china

schillerara s said...

The exhibit is like a real museum but you feel like you are really there. Some of the artifacts that you will find is a bronze ram, a jade bi and a dragon bone. My favorite activity was the way they would keep the dead bodies. Many parts of the museum are very helpful and can teach you a lot and it really gets into detail. This online museum is great but it isn't like the real museum.

Nina : ) said...

it makes you feel like your really at the museum. Three artifacts that you can find are 1) jade bi 2) bronze 3)bones with writin on them. Favorite Activity: The story, it was like a book& easier to follow.

Jared G. said...

The exhibit has 6 different categories
three artifacts that they show are found
1. Rams head on bronze ritual vessel
2. cong from neolithic period
3. dagger handle
My favorite activity was the creation story

Siran Cinar said...

The layout of the website is very easy to use. The homepage is split up into five sections, and each section has three subsections. The five main sections are Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. The three subsections are Story, Explore, and Challenge.They all have a lot of information on ancient China. Some artifacts from the museum are a jade bi, which is a large flat disc with a hole in the middle, bones with the writing on them. The bones were used to see the future, divines would write a yes or no question on it and depending on the side the bone cracked the answer was yes or no. Also they had a dagger handle which was found in one of the tombs. My favorite activity was the stories because it would tell you a story in writing but also have a visual picture.

Emilee said...

The exhibit made me feel like i was at a real museum except I didn't have to move as much. There was probably just as much information on the website as if you were to go into the museum. the website was also very organized and easy to move about. The dagger handle is one of the many artifacts you can find in the museum. The dagger handle was found in a tomb and it is very detailed. The jade bi is another artifact. It is made out of Nephrite and looks like a disc with Chinese characters around it. The jade bi also comes from the Shang dynasty. Another artifact in the British Museam is the Ram's head on bronze ritual vessel. this is a ram's head made of a metal. this is very pretty and also very detailed. My favorite activity was the story of the magical properties of jade. In the story the person who finds the Nephrite in the river realizes that it must be very valuable.

Rachel C said...

The exhibit was very organized and there were key words that were links to click on to get further information. A lot of the same information was grouped in the same place yet a lot was in different places because they were connected to multiple topics.

Three artifacts that could be found there are the dagger handle which was found in a tomb and the design has many loops in it. Another artifact is the Jade bi which is made out of nephrite. Its a disk looking object with Chinese script circling it and it comes from the Shang dynasty. The third artifact is the cong. The cong is from the Neolithic period. It's a long object with indents in it. It has 19 of the same looking brick like objects that are together. My favorite activity was the story about The Myth of Nu Gua who is the creator of people. This story has great illustration of the events and tell how people would be rich when they were created or poor and unlucky when they were created.

Niko O said...

The layout of this exhibit was very organized with it's own sections for different topics. Once you clicked on one topic it would bring you to three other topics and would give deep descriptions about that topic and what it was about.

One artifact the museum has is a bronze which they used to make vessels, pots,bells, mirrors, and weapons. They developed a unique way of casting bronze son it could be decorated. Another artifact is the Cong which is a long object with many indents and has 19 of the same brick like objects. The last artifact is the Dagger Handle which was found in the tomb and is a huge handle made of little objects and is very old.

My favorite activity was the Tombs and Ancestors, The story was interesting and had lots of facts explaining what their beliefs were and what they did to believe it. They believed in many things and there ways were unique the way there life was back then

Eric said...

The website is like a real museum, you feel like you are really in the museum.Three things you will find is the bronze ram, a jade Bi and the dragon bone. My favorite activity was watching the mini videos because it helps you understand better. The museum has sections which is very helpful when we were searching for the things in a specific section.

raffi k said...

The layout of this exhibit is very well arranged because I thought that the organization made finding what you needed an easy job. The tabs that break up the ideas of the topics are a major tool that helps me understand and get information about the subject. The tabs allowed me to find the information that I needed, rather than reading through pages of information which takes up more time and is much more difficult.
Artifacts that can be found in the exhibit are the dagger handle which is old and it was located in a tomb. Also the Jade bi is an artifact at the exhibit which is a big, flat disc with a hole in the center, the jade bi also obtained bones that were written on. The last of the three artifacts is the Ram’s head on bronze ritual vessel, this artifact is detailed and the head is made of metal.
A story I enjoyed was the one about the Jade because It showed the actual value of how much it really meant to people and its importance.

Unknown said...

I really liked exploring the website, I learned a lot from it too that I didn’t know from before. I liked how there were the key words that you needed to know in order to understand it and all you had to do is click on the word and the definition shows up, that was really helpful. By exploring that website you can learn all about how the ancient Chinese believe that pleasing you’re ancestors is something big, also you could have learned about the BI, which was really interesting.
- sarah rahim

Unknown said...

I really liked exploring the website, I learned a lot from it too that I didn’t know from before. I liked how there were the key words that you needed to know in order to understand it and all you had to do is click on the word and the definition shows up, that was really helpful. By exploring that website you can learn all about how the ancient Chinese believe that pleasing you’re ancestors is something big, also you could have learned about the BI, which was really interesting.

Jackie said...

I like the website because it is easy to find the information and they have pictures to show you what they are talking about. I like how they explain everything to you because you learn a lot and have fun finding everything

Erik B said...

This website was a really helpful and simple way to find what you needed. I found what I needed easily and thoroughly.

Top 3 artifacts
1) Dagger handle
2)Shang Calender
3)Nu Gua

My favorite activity was the mapping or placing people in their homes.

Lorraine said...

I like the lay out of this website because everything was in catagories so it was simply to find the information that you needed. Also if you didn't completely understand the pharagraph they also had a story and an activity on the side to help you understand the information better or to learn even more about that subject. One of the many artifacts you can find are an inscribed bronze vessel. This is used as an offering to your ancestors to show how much you respect and honor them. You get someone to inscribe a statement and then you fill it with wine. Once your ancestors drink the wine they will see the inscribing in the vessel and it will show them how well you have done. Another thing you will find is that once the king has died you much properly furnish his tomb. You must make sure that the kings tomb shows just how important he was when he was alive and that all the objects he wants buried with him are. Another thing that you will find is a jade bi. Jade is an object that is made out of nephrite. Nephrite is a mixture of minerals,pressure and tempurature. The conditions needed to make nephrite is so specific that jade is super rare. One day a girl named Chen Ming was walking by the river and saw this. She picked it up and saw that it was jade and brought it to a workshop and to her friend. There her friend said that it was perfect to make the bi that they needed to make for Marquis Chi. He was a wealthy and important guy, so they took the jade and cut it. Then they sent it off to another workmen who used a drill to make a hole in the middle of the jade. Then they took the piece of jade and used abrasive sand to polish the jade until it was glowing and shiny. Once the bi is completed it is placed into the persons tomb, the jade will preserve the body and protect them from any evil spirt's in the afterlife. My favorite activity would have to be the storys take goes along with the reading. I really enjoyed seeing the backround's of the story's and how the objects were created. I think it's really cool how everything has something from the past to back it up and to explain more into detail.

Vanessa Y. said...

The museum's exhibit is amazing, it gives you so much detail about the past and China. They tell you all about China's history from what jobs were important and where the writing originated from. One of the artifacts found in the exhibit is jade bi. Jade is made out of nephrite, which is according to the exhibit, "very tough and hard material." And a bi is a large round disk. A second artifact found in the exhibit is a dagger handle, which was found in a tomb and has a unique shape. And a third artifact found in the exhibit is a ram's head made out of bronze. My favorite activity was "Crafts and Artisans" because I got to learn about jade bi and how it was first made and where it comes from. Jade is not only just beautiful, but the story behind it is so interesting.

Nick G said...

The layout of the exinit was very orgamized with all the topics on the left side of the exibit page. If you needed to find information it was very easy because it was so neat and so simple to get to the facts quick and simply.

Three artifacts thats you can find in the exibit are jade, cong and dagger handle. Jade is made up of mostly from nephrite. Cong is from neolithic period. The dagger handle is from the bottom of a very sharp knife.

My favorite activity was placing the people onto the map from wherethey live and have grown up.

Erin H. said...

The exhibit was really cool, and it was easy to navigate. Three artifacts you will find are: a dagger handle that was found in a tomb, a jade bi that was from the Shang Dynasty that is inscripted from the 18th century, and also a cong, from the neolithic period. My favorite activity was the story of Nu Gua because I learned things that I never knew, and it was an interesting way to learn.

kansas said...

The website is easy to follow and it includes 5 sections: (1) Crafts and Artisans, where I learned about what ancient Chinese used for materials such as jade and bronze (2) Geography which explains about the two main rivers the Yellow River and the Yangzi; and the different terrains in ancient China(3) Time, which explains the timelines of Ancient China; (4) Tombs and Ancestors which explains about ancient China beliefs and how they buried their dead and the last one is (5) Writing, which explains about ancient China writing system. And each section is divided into three sub-division: (1) Story, which explains more information about each of the category, including legends and stories (2) Explore, which offers more interaction to click on different objects to learn more about it and (3) Challenge, which I liked the most because they were fun to resolve.
I really liked how many words were underlined and by clicking them I could find out their meaning, this helped me understand better what I was reading.
The activity I liked the best was the Geography Challenge because I got to understand how big China is, and how this country has completely different climates and terrains.
The three objects that I like the most were:
(1)Jade bi from Shang dynasty, which shows Chinese logograms. It can be found in the Writing section
(2)Ram's head on bronze ritual vessel, which can be found in the Crafts and Artisans section
(3)A dagger handle found in a tomb. It can be found in the Tombs and Ancestors section

David B said...

The exhibit is very large. The artifacts I found were jade bi, bronzeram head and dagger handle my favorite activity was placing people on the map

Anonymous said...


Brianna H. said...

The museum has a lot of different categories you can click on to get to different parts of the website. Three artifacts you can find are the coin, the oracle bone, and the bronze ritual vessel. My favorite activity was the stories. It was cool to learn the things that people in ancient China came up with for everyday life.

Erika Libertini said...

I like the layout of the exhibit. It was easy to understand and pretty straight forward. The exhibits were colorful and had pictures explaining the topic. They had stories you could read to further explain things. There are objects that can be found in the exhibit. In the crafts and artisans exhibit, there is a rams head from a ritual vessel. Its made out of bronze which was a prized material. In the Time exhibit, they have a "cong" from the neolithic period. In the writing exhibit they had a bi, (a donut shaped thing made of jade) with the 18th century inscribed in it. My favorite activity was reading the story in the geography exhibit because it was interesting. It was a very different theory used to explain life and how it began.

Brie F said...

The exhibit is very well organized and is easy to find whatever you are looking for. It almost feels as if you are in a museum! Some of the things you will find is animal heads made out of bronze, ancient Chinese tombs, and ancient Chinese stories. My favorite activity is doing all the challenges!

tina b said...

it is very organized and easy to find whatever you are looking for.nice setup.
You can find...

bronze. Bronze is A metal made by melting together copper, tin and sometimes lead. It was used to make ritual vessels, pots, bells, mirrors and weapons.
lolograms.logograms is a sign or symbol representing a word. Where a symbol represents a meaning or a word.
ancient Chinese looks like Egyptian hyrogliphs.
My favorite activity is the challangein the tumbs and ancestors

Billy MacDonald said...

The Ancient China exhibit is broken down into five sections: Arts and crafts, geography, time, tombs and ancestors and writing. In each section there is three sections study, explore and challenge. One artifact was a dagger handle found in a tomb. The dagger handle is made of pure gold. Another artifact is the Bi. It is a flat disc with chinese writing on it. It it used to protect the owner from evil spirit. One last artifact was a tomb. It had everything that the person would need to go with them in the afterlife. My favorite activity is the Turfn derpression. it is one of the "furnaces" in Ancient China.

Yasha P. said...

The exhibit is organized into five categories. Each one of those categories has three more categories; story, explore, and challenge. My most favorite activity was watching the videos that were in the story sections. Three artifacts that were described in this exhibit were the bronze head on a ritual vessel, the cong, and the dagger handle.

nazely i said...

The layout of the website was easy to navigate threw. They have organized five different exhibits including Crafts and Artistans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors,and Writing. Each exhibit had different vibrating colors and eye-catching pictures.The pictures lead to stories that give brief explanations of the exhibit. The exhibits show ancient artifacts to help you paint a picture in your mind of what certain objects were like back then. In the exhibit of Time there is an artifact called the cong from Neolithic Times. The cong is a tall tower-like figure made of stones. In the exhibit of Crafts and Artisans shows a picture of a ram's head on bronze ritual vessel. It is a rams head beautifully sculpted out of bronze.In the exhibit Tombs and Ancestors shows a dagger handle found in a tomb. It looks as if it is made out of gold with a specific design. My favorite activity was the story in the Geography exhibit because it was detailed and interesting. It used a creative way to explain life and how it came to begin.

Steven Del-Bosque said...

the exhibit was more then what i expected, when u clicked an article u didnt just read it, u could do the challenge that was based on the article or u could explore and learn more about the article or they can tell u a story about the article. an artifact that i cape across was the the Lords Coffin, inside the coffin were jade peaces and the more jade peaces the more wealthier and more powerful you were. something else that i found interesting was the weapon chamber in the tombs, they were placed here to protect the dead and they represented power. something that creeped me out was when the emperor passed they would kill his servant and they would be buried in a room in the empero's tomb, but they would be pretty far from the emperor to show that they were diffrent in status, my favorite activity was the geography activity it was interesting learning about how the chinease thought the people were made out of sand.

Nicole Lanzo said...

The Ancient China webquest is like a huge museum online. when you get to the website you will see things like exhibits. You will see, Crafts and Artisans, Geography, time, Tombs and Ancestors, and writing.

3 artifacts you can find in the exhibit...
1)Jade- Material believed to have magical properties and to preserve the dead.
2)Bronze- was used to make ritual vessels, pots, bells, mirrors and weapons.
3)Dragon bones- a best known treatment

My favorite activity is Tombs and Ancestors because I think it was really cool to see what people thought of pleasing their ancestors.

Amin said...

The exhibit has a layout that can sort of be compared to a real museum, as you kinda have to dig through and follow the directions to find whatever it is your looking for.
One of the artifacts I found was called a bi, which is a jade disc with a circular hole in the middle. It was buried on top of people's bodies to show their wealth and importance.
Another artifact was the hu, which was a wine vessel cast from bronze. This particular hu was from the Eastern Zhou period, which had simpler designs than previous dynasties.
One more artifact that I found in the exhibit was the ceramic bowl. This bowl looks like it was made on a Potter's wheel, and it has been decorated with a pattern block, then it was glazed.
My favorite activity was the story of how Nu Gua created humans. I found it to be very interesting.

Tyler G said...

The Ancient China museum is broken down into five sections, Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, Writing. The website was easy to access because you could enter different categories where you could find the answer. In the museum you can find many artifacts made of bronze. Bronze was used to make ritual vessels, pots, bells, mirrors and weapons. Another thing you can find is Nephrite. Nephrite is a a very tough and hard material formed from pressure and temperature deep in the Earths layers. Nephrite is used to make many different things that people would use. The third thing that can be found in the museum are bones with writing on them. The bones have writing on them from the early Shang Dynasty. Some of the letters are still readable but are fading away. My favorite activity was just looking around at all the cool stuff the museum had in it. I didn't really have a favorite part.

Dominika:)) said...

I think that the the exhibit was really good. i thought it had good facts and history on ancient China. I liked the layout of the exhibit because it was easy to find the information that i needed. Some artifacts that can be found in the exhibit are the "bi"- used in burials and placed on top of corpses, the tombs and stories about ancestors. The artifacts explained a little bit on what life was like back then. For example, believing that there would be life after death and that whatever u were buried with you had when you died and went to the afterlife. My favorite activity was learning about the history of why people wanted to sacrifice for their ancestors to please the gods.

Paulina Papadopoulos said...

I think the layout of the exhibit was different than others but it was very interesting.It had good information, fun facts, and pictures. There are MANY objects that can be found in an exhibit such as "bi"-a flat disk with a central hole, used in burials and placed on top of the corpse. My favorite part of the exhibit was when we got to read the information because i find ancient china very interesting.

Sarah Lampasona said...

The exhibit is like a real museum. The exhibit was broken down into five different sections. The five different sections Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors,and Writing. You could click on each section and it would have a story section, an exploring section and also a challenge section. I learned about multiple artifacts. One artifact I learned about was Nephrite. Nephrite is a very tough and hard material that Jade is made out of. Another artifact/fact I learned was that the "Long River" is also known as the "Yangtze River" and it is used for transport and also trade. A third artifact/fact I found was that Sericilture is the raising of silkworms in order to obtain milk. It was first practiced in China. My favorite activity was locating where the people lived and placing them on the map there. I liked how when you were on the "story section" it had pictures to go along with it so it didn't get boring. Overall I think the Ancient China webquest was very helpful.

Hannah C. said...

This website is very much like taking a tour of the actual museum. It was well organized, split up into five main sections, and then three subsections for each of the five. I had three artifacts that really stuck out to me. One was the jade bi, which is something that ancient Chinese people put in their tomb to carry them to the afterlife. I also liked the dagger handle found in a tomb and the ding. The ding was a three legged food container that could often be found in tombs. My favorite activity was the geography challenge because it helped to explain all of the different climates in China. I enjoyed this website.

Mariana P. said...

The Ancient China exhibit on the online british museum is broken down into five sections that include Arts and crafts, geography, time, tombs and ancestors and writing. In each section there is three additional sections that allows you to learn even more about ancient china. They include explore and challenge. One artifact was jade, a very rare stone that the ancient Chinese saw as more important then gold. Another artifact found in the british museum is Bi. Bi is a flat disc with chinese writing covered on It. it is said to protect the owner of the bi from evil spirit. A tomb was also one of the many artifacts found in the online museum. Tombs were filled with everything that the person would need in the afterlife. My favorite activity that there was available atthe museum was the tombs and Ancestors. I thought it was very interesting to see how the ancient Chinese saw the afterlife and how they needed to make their ancestors proud.

Romina R. said...

This website was like taking a real tour of the actual exhibit. It was classified into different categories which made it easier and simpler to follow, like a real museum. There were many interesting artifacts. But the three that stuck out t me most were the dagger handle, the jade bi, and the cong. The dagger handle was found in tombs, so the people could bring it to their after life. The jade bi was a flat disc with symbols/characters from the Chinese language. And lastly, the cong which was used in the neolithic period. My favorite activity was the Tombs Objects because it described and explained each artifact very specifically.

Brendan D. said...

The exhibit was really cool, it was layed out very nice where it was easy to to to all of the places on the website.

There was 5 different places that you could go to to find information about ancient china like, Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and writing, and just by clicking on one of them it brought you to all of these different pages and whatever you clicked on. Also there are games that you can play to help with what you are learning about.

Tyler P said...

So far the book: "Ties That Bind Ties That Break" Is all about a young girl named Ailin who runs around their comound all day. Her mother and the rest of the women in her extended family want Ailin to get her feet bound. For two reasons; 1: so she can get married, and so she stops running around the comound. To me this was very interesting because there schould be no feet binding anyway and also Ailin schould get her feet bound when she wants to.

Sara F said...

I like the exhibit a lot. The layout is very professional. It has everything very organized. This helped me find things much easier. But if I had to pick three things that stood out to me, I would say they are the bi, the cong, and the dagger handle. The bi was made from jade and used in ancient China to keep evil spirits away from the people in the afterlife. People believed that when you died, you could take items with you in the afterlife. That's what the dagger handle was doing in someone's tomb. Lastly, the cong was found in the Neolithic period, maybe as a way to tell time. Overall, the exhibit is great, but my favorite activity was geography challenge because it helps you understand what each area of China is like in temperature, height, and other features.

Ani Vehapetian said...

The Ancient China webquest was organized well and had a lot of good facts and photos. I could find everything since it was divided up to five sections. My favorite one was the Geography section.

Marvin A. said...

This is a pretty good website to learn about Ancient China instead of wasting our money to go to Britain. What really surprised me is that the Chinese had gods, like the Roman and the Greek ones. The three artifacts that I saw was the "bi","oracle bone" and a bronze bell. These artifacts are very distinctive of the way they are decorated and the materials that it was used. I wonder if they make those these machine-powered days. My favorite part was the Tombs and Ancestors story of "Pleasing Ancestors." Since I got to know the Chinese gods. Also how the concept in which you have to please your ancestors because so they can talk to the gods in heaven.

Robert K. said...

The exhibit is divided into five different sections that are all about Ancient China. The sections are: Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. The sections are easy to navigate through and are well organized. One artifact you can find in the exhibit is a jade bi. A jade bi is placed on a body in a tomb and is supposed to preserve the body of that person and protect them from any evil spirits. Another artifact that you can find in the exhibit is a gui. A gui was used to offer food at ancestor rituals. One last artifacts you can find in the exhibit is a gold dagger handle. Gold and silver were not as valuable as bronze and jade in Ancient China. Gold was used regularly in the Eastern Zhou period. My favorite activity from the exhibit was how you can explore an Ancient Chinese tomb. I think that it is really cool how you can look at every part of the tomb and whats inside of it. It is very interesting and I learned a lot from looking through the tomb and how the weathy people were different from the non-wealthy people.

Evan said...

The museum has tons of information about the culture and living style of ancient China. Also The site was like actually being in the museum because it showed all the artifacts and information.I lke the Bi artifact because I like how it was simple yet valuable. I also liked the bronze bell because it was an antique intrumant. Also the ceramic jars were cool because they were made which one of the ways is rolling clay loops to make a jar. My favorite activity was matching artifacts with different people for their tombs.

nathaniel etienne said...

the ehibit was good because it taiught me alot about china. I didn't know they valued jade so much. i also did not know they liked bronze

Sahbeer A. said...

I really liked the exhibit it was very organized and easy to find and learn about new things. The exhibit was broken down into 5 sections geography,time, crafts and artisans, tombs and ancestors, and writing. When you click on one you sections story, explore, and challenge. One of the atrtifacts was the Bronze it was used to make weapons, mirros, pots bells, and ritual vessels. Another artifact was a Bi it is a donut shaped disc with Chinese writing on it. Jade is the other artifact it was believed that it has magical powers. Also it is one of the toughest material on Earth. My favorite activity is learning about how the world was created. Also the was a video to it and that made it more interesting.

Emmanuel T. said...

I thought this site was really good because it felt like a real museum and it gave stories of how the objects were formed. some of the artifacts that could be found in the exhibit was the "bi" large flat disks,the dagger,and the bronze ram. My favorite activity were the challenges

Jason Wilkins said...

I liked the exibit because it had very intresting facts. For example,the Yangzi river is the longest river in China and 3rd longest in the world. In addition, like the Egyptians the Chinese leave items they might need in tha afterlife.

Svetlana said...

I really like the website because it teaches you many things. I have learned new things like jade. Jade is something that they value. Also the website had words in blue if the were vocal and they have very good information.

Majestic Night Hawk (Lola) said...

I didn't really like the layout. I found it very vague and frustrating to use.
One artifact that you can find in the Ancient China exhibit is a jade Bi from the Shang dynasty. A Bi is a circular disk with a hole in the middle that had ancient Chinese writing all around it.The function of a Bi is unknown.
Another artifact that was at the exhibit was a dagger handle found in a tomb. People in ancient China believed that in the after life you did every thing you do in your life. So when you were buried your family put things like tools, food, clothing, jewelry and even weapons in your tomb. Things like this dagger handle were very common.
The lastly, you can see a bronze ritual vessel in the shape of a rams head. This was used for mostly caring powered for spiritual rituals.Its made of bronze which was very popular in ancient China.
My favorite activity was the one where you had to find out what a Chinese character means. I was set up like a lottery machine. The first to boxes was a word then a picture. The last box was a bunch of Chinese characters. You had to pick from thoughts characters. If you got it right 4 times you won.

Joey D. said...

I liked the map activity that showed maps representing diffewrent topics about ancient China. The "You" is an ancient chinese vessel that was used to hold wine during rituals. A "Bo" was a bell casted very carefuly to produce an accurate note. Bronze drums were used as gong on the battlefield. The site consists of five main sections, each with three subordinate sections.

Matthew D.B said...

This web quest is slightly challenging but doable... Thank you ms. Zawisza for giving me the opertunity to do this, and learn all of this about ancient china.

Farid Mawanda said...

The exhibit was real fun to read it makes you look actually go through each article. The article's were ridiculous i did not know that jade was made nephrite and i think the Shang dynasty 30 days on a calender instead of 60 and the Nu Gua tail was really interesting. My favorite activity was Nu Gua.

Matthew D.B. said...

This assigngment was more then just words on a paper. This web quest was like a virtual tour into the British museum. Any aspect of this tour was clickable,and it had giving you a vivid description on it. This is a truly amazing tool, that i hope that students after me could use.

The Bi, is a large flat disk with a central hole, placed on you after your death to protect your body from decay and evil spirits.

A bronze Hu, is a vase like thing that you fill with wine.

Gul is somthing that you store food at ancestor rituals.

My favorite activity was exploring the tombs and ancestors, it was very deep and descriptive when you clicked on a object.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was mighty organized and easy to get around. there five main sections, and each one had a lot of different links within it. Some cool artifacts are the bronze sword, also there is a clay jug that you can find in a tomb, and finally you can find a lot of jade artifacts. I liked the game were you have to choose what objects must go in a musicians tomb.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the whole exhibit was very simple and well organized. There were five main categories, Crafts and Artisans, Geography Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing.Then, these categories each split up into three subcategories called Story, Explore, and Challenge. Three examples of Chinese artifacts are the bi, a jade disc with a center hole that was placed in wealthy tombs, a ceramic wine vessel that was placed next to the coffins of poorer people, and the dragon bones that were used to treat malaria. I really liked the activity where the website showed a picture of a thing or animal, and gave you about 5 options for the symbol in ancient Chinese. Then, you had to choose the symbol that represented that object!

Anonymous said...

This website is cool! Theirs a lot of things to explore in it, its fun but it still has a lot of great information in it.Theres many story's about China's theory of creation, theirs pictures and instructions on how they used to make there pots. They also talk about the Jade bi and how it is made. My favorite activity in this would probably the craft shop.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was really cool. I learned so many new facts. Its just like going to a museum. This website is so useful to look up new facts. Its a good place to search things about ancient China. My favorite fact that I learned today was that the longest river there was. I found new things and they were very interesting. There were so many historical thing that happened and they all had a story behind it. I learned a lot more about ancient China from all the activities.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was really cool. I learned so many new facts. Its just like going to a museum. This website is so useful to look up new facts. Its a good place to search things about ancient China. My favorite fact that I learned today was that the longest river there was. I found new things and they were very interesting. There were so many historical thing that happened and they all had a story behind it. I learned a lot more about ancient China from all the activities.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit is very interesting. You actually feel like you're in a museum. It shows you everything, every step of the way. The layout was very helpful, it split it up into 5 different categories and you would explore each one. One of three of my favorite artifacts was the tripod pot. It has a very cool artifact. The link to find a picture of it is here : . I enjoyed the fact that the legs were added later on. My second favorite artifact was the wine vessel. I think it was very complicated to make. The link to see it is here : . My third favorite artifact was bowl with inlaid glass. I like the fact that it was decorated with inlaid glass before it got destroyed. Heres a link to see it : . My favorite activity on this website was the one where you had to choose the correct objects for the tomb. You have to pick the right artifact for the certain person. Overall the website is a fun and informing website.

Anonymous said...

There is a list of different things that you can click on. It is set up like a museum,it tells you a little bit about the artifact, and gives you a general idea of the topic. Artifacts that I found are the Jade bi,wood slips, and a jade belt. A jade bi is a disk with a big hole in the center, usually buried with people. Sometimes it has writing on it. Wood slips were usually found in a tomb. It was in the weapons room, and it had a list of the weapons written on it. A jade belt was a belt made out of jade. My favorite activity was in the writing section of the website. In it, it would give you a word in English, a picture of it, and then you had to guess the Chinese symbol of it. You did it four different times, and it would tell you after if you got it correct or incorrect. This website made me wish that I went to the museum for real, not just on the internet!

Anonymous said...

This exhibit was very interesting, and useful. It included crafts and artisans, geography, time, tombs and ancestors, and writing. each section of the exhibit is very informative and gives you a general topic of the subject. One artifact on display was the cong, which is made from jade. Another artifact on display was the gui, a vessel used to make sacrifices to ancestors. Another artifact on display was Ram's head on bronze ritual vessel. My favorite activity at the exhibit was where you would pick objects for someone to be buried with. it was in the tombs and ancestors part of the exhibit.

Anonymous said...

The exhibits are really cool. They have a lot of things to challenge yourself with, and they also have a lot of really cool evidence like the Jade. An architect found the Bi, centuries after, buried next to a tomb. It was really cool how you could actually see a lot of the things that you can read about online. Another artifact that I thought was really cool were the pots that they used to make back then. It was really interesting how they're were a lot of designs on the pots and I liked the way that they show the instructions on how to make them too. They also put dragon bones to treat sicknesses which was also really cool. It's a big museum with a lot of different parts to it. My favorite activity was reading about all those cool fictional stories. It was a really cool experience to learn about all the different learning types and beliefs that the Chinese people used to learn about and believe in. Overall, the museum was a really cool experience.

Anonymous said...

I liked this exhibit a lot because for example I never knew how the Chinese people made earth, and people, etc. All of the subjects on the website caught my eye to read and learn the new things I never knew before. One of my favorite artifact from the Shang dynasty specifically was a pot (thrown on the potters wheel) with decorated studs and designs on it. One that I also found interesting was a bowl from the Eastern Zhou period, and it was decorated with ornament glass paste, and some deteriorated over time. And last but not least a wine vessel from the same period as the bowl I mentioned about. The designs interest me because it says that these designs on the wine vessel were most likely made from the earlier times. My favorite activity was the silkworm challenge.

Anonymous said...

I liked this exhibit a lot because for example I never knew how the Chinese people made earth, and people, etc. All of the subjects on the website caught my eye to read and learn the new things I never knew before. One of my favorite artifact from the Shang dynasty specifically was a pot (thrown on the potters wheel) with decorated studs and designs on it. One that I also found interesting was a bowl from the Eastern Zhou period, and it was decorated with ornament glass paste, and some deteriorated over time. And last but not least a wine vessel from the same period as the bowl I mentioned about. The designs interest me because it says that these designs on the wine vessel were most likely made from the earlier times. My favorite activity was the silkworm challenge.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The British Museum website on ancient China was super interesting. It was loaded with facts and information. They had games stories and you could even go into a different explore sections. It was organized so I could find the things I needed. They split the website into five links. Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing.

Three Artifacts that I got to explore were,

The Bi- A circular object made of Jade. Used to protect the dead and help them find their way to the underworld

A Bo- A flat bottomed bell

Bowl with Inlaid glass- The bowl comes from the Eastern Zhou period. It was decorated with inlaid glass paste

My favourite activity were the stories I liked learning of how the Chinese thought and acted. Over all the British Museum is a fun an interesting place to learn.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was really nicely laid out and everything was really easy to click on. The main menu of the website was orderly and not too confusing about what to click and what not to. One of the three artifacts you can find in the exhibit is Jade, a rock made out of Nephrite which is a hard and solid rock. Another artifact is Bi. Which is made out of Jade that has a circle in it that will protect you in the after life. The last one is Dragon bones that you can write on and send messages to, to your friends or family/ relatives. My favorite activity was the Symbols Game which you had to match up the pictures with the Chinese symbols.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was really nicely laid out and everything was really easy to click on. The main menu of the website was orderly and not too confusing about what to click and what not to. One of the three artifacts you can find in the exhibit is Jade, a rock made out of Nephrite which is a hard and solid rock. Another artifact is Bi. Which is made out of Jade that has a circle in it that will protect you in the after life. The last one is Dragon bones that you can write on and send messages to, to your friends or family/ relatives. My favorite activity was the Symbols Game which you had to match up the pictures with the Chinese symbols.

Anonymous said...

I like how the exhibit is organized into 5 different categories and then further divided into 3 categories of story, explore, and challenge. An artifact in the exhibit are ceramic bowls. They are decorated and put in tombs. Jade ornaments are also found which were put on bodies and in the shape of dragons. A third artifact in the exhibit are dragon bones. They were ground up and used as medicine. My favorite activity was the symbols game because you got to match up the Chinese symbols with the English word and a picture of the object.

Anonymous said...

In the exhibit I really liked how everything was really easy to find because the layout of the website was very well organized. It was easy to locate the answers of the questions. In the exhibit you can find certain artifacts that were made out of bronze and jade like, weapons the chinese used for protection. Another artifact you can find in the exhibit is various objects that were found in the tombs of chinese emperors like, the dagger handle in the section of tombs and ancestors. The last example of an object you can find in this exhibit is the bi made out of jade with the eightteenth century inscription on it in the section of writing. over all i really enjoeyed exploring this exhibit.

Anonymous said...

I disliked the layout. It was great how it wasn't just 1 huge page, but there wasn't even an explanation on how to navigate through the website. It took a while to find some substantial facts. Although, I did like the stories and the activities. The bi stood out to me. It was a circular disc with a hole in the middle of it, looking like a CD. It was interesting that it was used to write on, but it was a disc. It was also placed on top of a corpse. Another thing I saw is a huge, gold dagger handle found in a tomb. The other artifact I found was a ram's head on a bronze ritual vessel. It was believed to "preserve" the dead and has "magical" properties. I liked the activity when we had to move the people to their correct land. It gives me a better understanding on terrain and how it affected people. Although I wasn't used to the layout and navigation, I still liked the stories and the website.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was really cool. I learned so many new facts. Its just like going to a museum.There were five main sections so many cool facts.Its a good place to search things about ancient China. Some cool artifacts are the bronze sword, also there is a clay jug that you can find in a tomb, and finally you can find a lot of jade artifacts My favorite fact that I learned today was that the longest river there was. I found new things and they were very interesting. There were so many historical thing that happened and they all had a story behind it. I learned a lot more about ancient China from all the activities.

Anonymous said...

I found out that Ancient China is really long history of religions. Also they have symbols to match pictures and to read and write. Ancient China was really organize because there website talk about different categorizes for each idea.

A few Artifats that I found were

Bi- It is a large flat disk with a hole

Pendant- A Jade pendant is decorated with animal heads

Dragon pendant- A dragon pendant was decorated using a bamboo stick treated with abrasive sand It was sculpted to look like a Dragon

I enjoyed looking and researching the geography of Ancient China it helped me understand a little more about the way they lived.

By: Yuri Shakhverdov

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The exhibit online was a bit confusing. It did split things into five categories. After that it got confusing. Other that the layout it was informative. There were many things to see in it. One of those things was a bi. A BI is a flat disk made out of jade with a hole in the middle. It was placed on top of tombstones to protect the desisted. Another item was the BO. It was a flat bottomed bell cast in bronze. The last object was a drum that was put in the tombs of the dead in a room/area full of other musical instruments.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the website. I thought it was a cool way to learn about a topic. There were five sections of the website; my personal favorite section was Tombs & Ancestors. I thought the layout of the site was fairly easy except when you had to click on the picture in the back. There were different artifacts. The three I liked the most would be the dagger handle that was found in a tomb, the weapons made out of bronze ( I liked reading how the bronze workshop functioned) and lastly cong from Neolithic period. My favorite activity had to be the game where you picked where people lived based on the descriptions. You can locate the game in Geography the n go to the Challenge. That is my review on the website and I would like to go on this again for a new topic.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t really like the layout of the website since there were so many layers of it. I didn’t like how when you click on a subject on the front page, it takes you to a picture and you have to click on that to get to the actual exhibit. But I liked how the exhibit had stories. Three artifacts that can be found in the exhibit are the bi, a jade disk that had a circular hole in the middle. The cong, a square jade tube with a circle drilled in the middle. The bi and cong are both used for ceremonial purposes put on top and next to a dead body. And lastly the dragon bones with the ancient writing on them. My favorite activity was playing the symbols game in the writing section. The symbols game gives you an English word for example an eye, then it gives a picture of the eye and then you have to guess which symbol is an eye. In all, the entire exhibit was very interesting and cool and had a lot of facts in it.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit is set up in a very specific way. I think the way it is set up is very helpful; because it helps you find what you want to learn about in an easy way in order to find what you’re looking for. They ley it out in categories and have challenge articles, story’s, and activities.
The exhibit has lots of facts, and information about China that was very helpful. I learned about a lot of artifacts from this site that are in ancient China. One of those things are the pots they make. In ancient china they made ceramic pots in many different ways and patterns. After the pots were shaped they put them in a kiln to make them hard. Another artifact, in ancient China that they used to make things. is called Jade. Lots of the jade items they made were made out of nephrite. It is a very tough and long material. It was formed from a combination of minerals. Jade was believed to have magical properties and to preserve from the dead. Jade was very important to the things they made with it. One last artifact is Bi. It is a flat disk with a hole in the middle of it. It was made in 3000 B.C. Bi was sometimes put onto people’s tombs. They also sometimes used jade to make bi.
My favorite activity in this exhibit was they activity about the pots. You could click on people and learn lots about the different kind of pots they made. It help you understand more the techniques, shape, and reason why they the pots or what they used them for. You were able to click on a certain pot, to learn more about it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I thought the website was very cool. It taught me a lot that I did not know. There are five sections Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. My favorite section was Tombs and Ancestors. It gives you information in cool ways. In the stories they tell you the facts in a cool way with graphics and a story from the history. One of the stories was how they think the world was made. Every culture has its own theory on how the world was made. It is cool to hear about other cultures and connect it to your cultures. Some of the artifacts were Bi, the Shang dynasty calendar, and an evidence of writing. The Bi was a flat, circular piece of jade, with a hole in the middle, which is placed in a tomb when someone dies to protect them from monsters they might face in the afterlife. Also a piece of the Shang dynasty calendar, this was cool because the old calendar is so different from the ones we used today. Then there was an evidence of writing and how simple writing was back then and how it is now. There was this game where you had to find where the people lived based on their descriptions. I liked this game because it gave some geography of ancient china. Overall I really liked his website.

Anonymous said...

The China exhibit was very interesting. The exhibit has five sections which are, Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time,
tombs and ancestors, and Writing. The exhibit has a lot of different artifacts from a lot of different periods in Chinese history. One of the artifacts I found in the museum was a drum. The drum had a tiger on the top because tigers are a symbol of good luck in china. Another artifact I saw in the exhibit was a bronze sword. Bronze was more valuable than silver and gold in China. Also at the exhibit I saw an ancient dragon pendent made of jade. This pendent was to be used for decoration. My favorite activity in the exhibit was learning about the Shang dynasty calender.

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot from this website about Ancient China. The layout of the website was really easy and helpful. Everything was easily accessible and not hard to find at all. The layout of all the pages was very visual and they had pictures to go along with it so it gave you a sense of what everything looked like. Three artifacts that I learned about were Jade, Bi, and a Dagger Handle. Jade is made from nephrite. Nephrite is a very tough and strong material. Bi is a flat disk that has a hole in its center. It was made in 3000 B.C. Bi was placed on top of the dead corpse. The last one, the dagger handle was found in a tomb. The Chinese believed in afterlife so the tombs were arranged with the objects that the people would need in the afterlife. My favorite activity on this website was, the bronze workshop because it was fun and it was educational. If you clicked on one of the people it would come up with a whole bunch of facts about what that person was doing and what the object they were making was made out of. I really enjoyed this activity, because I learned a lot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Ancient China exhibit was not confusing at all. It gave the correct info and was easy to find the answers. One artifact that you will find is the Jade. It's made out of nephrite, a hard and very tough material. Another artifact is the Bi. A Bi is are large flat disks with a central hole. The third artifact is a dagger hand. It was found in an ancient tomb. It is a goldish color. My favorite activity was learning about the Nu Gua. It’s cool that people believed that people made by the cane were poor and unlucky.