Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Viewpoints Units

Unit 1: Facing History and Ourselves - The Holocaust and Human Behavior

Unit 2: Ancient China

Unit 3: Islam

Unit 4: Medieval and Renaissance Europe


Anonymous said...

Rachel Donnell:)

The website was set up in different sections that tel about everything. Different artifacts and stuff are told in certain sections and other stuff is also told too. I did think that finding everything was really hard. I wish the website was sent up easier and less confusing than it was.

:) vessels (pots, bowls)
:) Bi- a circular thing with a hole in the middle
:) The silk making (sericulture) they made silk things.

My favorite activity on the website was putting the objects into the right sections in the map. Like I would put The panda in the area were there were leaves and lots of trees. I had to match up the climate with the certain person or animal.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit is very organized and informational. It was very easy to find things I needed, and I didn't have to do any unnecessary searching around.
One artifact that can be found in the exhibit is a jade pendant. It is decorated with depictions of animal heads, was probably found in a lord's tomb.
Another artifact I found was a ceramic wine vessel. It is very finely crafted, and has a regular shape. It looks as if it may have been thrown on a pottery wheel.
A third artifact I found was a pair of chariot fittings. They are made of bronze, and are decorated with a depiction of a man riding a taotie, which is a type of heavenly creature or monster.
My favorite activity in the museum was reading the stories for the different sections. I liked that the best because the stories were animated, and they helped me understand some of the material better. I also just love folklore.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was scattered around all throughout the website. It was organized in such a way that we must read all the text in order to find the required information. There were five main sections and for each main section there were two subsections (story and explore). The information is in every main section and could be in any subsection so you'd have to check both.

Three artifacts that may be found in this exhibit are as followed:

- Coffins
in "Tombs and Ancestors"

- Dragon Head Sculpture
in "Geography"

- Dagger Handle
in "Tombs and Ancestors"

My favorite activity was in the "Tombs and Ancestors" section. The challenge for this was that we must place five objects that would be found in a tomb. I liked this because it was a small opportunity for me to learn more about their customs and what not.

Anonymous said...

Lauren Giordano

This website is split up into different sections that tell you about all different things like writing geography crafts and time.One link is divided into three different sections story explore and challenge and that is where you can find your answers.To find the answers was really hard you had to look really hard and it took a while to find a answer.

Jade: something you can put on your skin
Silkworms: You can obtain silk
Vessels: pots and clay models

My favorite activity was the crafts section because it was easy to understand and i thought there was a lot of information in that section.I also thought that was a good section for me because it was were i found a couple of my answers and it was really easy to understand.That was my favorite activity

Anonymous said...

I really loved this exhibit! I thought everything was extremely interesting, and I loved looking at all of the amazing artifacts. Now I really want to visit the actual museum! One artifact I thought was neat was the Jade Bi from Shang Dynasty-it had so many elaborate details! I thought the way it was used was interesting. Another artifact I liked was the dagger handle. It had so many interlocking shapes and was very beautiful. I wondered how long it took to make and how it was made. The Ram's head on the bronze ritual vessel was also cool-It had so many details! I wondered how it was used for rituals. My favorite activity was the Geography Challenge. It was a fun way to learn about the geography of China and what kinds of animals and people lived in certain places. All in all, I loved this whole exhibit!

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was pretty well organized. It described the geography, time periods, writing, etc. An artifact I thought was pretty cool was the ones of the tomb because i thought it was neat to look inside and see the things found in them. Also I thought the Bronze ram was pretty cool because it was so clean cut and looked really amazing. As well as the disk full of logograms was cool because it had all this unique writing. My favorite activity was reading about Qin Shi Huangdi because i thought it was cool how he created everything in the world.

Anonymous said...

the website ancientchina.co.uk has different sections that you can choose to look at. in each section there was a story,challenge, and explore. i think the storys and the challenges helped you learn the most.

Rams head on bronze ritual vessel
cong from neolithic period
dagger handle

my favorite activity was the story in the time section. in the story it tells you about Pan Gu and how he decides to create order in the world. its kind of like a movie rather than a story, but it tells you a story as a caption.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit is a very helpful way to learn about Acient China.When you log on their are 5 choices that you have to choose from each with very helpful information.One artifact you can find is a vessel that people bury with them when they die.another is the jade artifacts that they made which look like animals.And they also had.And they also had a calender from the Shang Dynasty.My favorite activity was the one where you had to find the homes for the people because it was fun and wasn't exactly what I thought.

Anonymous said...

What was in the exhibit is that there are sections of the site dedicated to different areas of Ancient China. The sections of the site were: Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. Inside each of these areas are information stories and activities that help you understand certain areas of Ancient China.
You could find the Ram's head on bronze ritual vessel in the Crafts and Artisans section. If you're looking for a great geographic picture of China you could find the Yangzi river in the geography section of the site. My last artifact that I had seen on the website in section in Time is the Neolithic cong from Neolithic period.
My favorite activity was the part of each section is the story's. In each section such as Time they would give you a story about that subject. The story is very interesting, and had moving animations, and I had gotten the moral of the story that it was telling. I really love this site I can recommend this site to any one.

Anonymous said...

The British Museum's website on Ancient China is made up of five links including Crafts and Artisans, Geography,Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. These links enable you to find valuable information on Ancient Chinese History. Some of the artifacts I found while using this website are ceramic pots, bronze metal work, and jade ornaments. The ceramic pots were made in a number of different ways, first dating back to the Shang Dynasty. Bronze metal work was one of the most highly prized materials in all of Ancient China. Jade was cherished for its durability, and was produced differently than the other metals. My favorite activity on this site was reading the story links on the bottom of all of the pages because they enriched my knowledge on Ancient China.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Zawisza,
I just finished taking to tour of the china museum. I liked the tour very much. It was very helpful. I learned so much from this wed site. The links were even better. And the links to those links were more helpful.
Also the picture helped me understand things in the reading that were very hard.
One picture that I liked and that I looked at for a while was the one on Ram's head on Ram's head on bronze ritual vessel. It was a very nice picture. It made me think a lot about how they made all these interesting items. Another item that I loved was cong from Neolithic period. It was a very odd thing. I never saw anything like it and I looked at it for a while trying to find out what it meant. The last picture I saw that was the dagger handle was found in a tomb. It was interesting because I did not know what it was at first until I looked at the caption. The picture did not look like a dagger and was very, very interesting. Those were the pictures that interested me the most. That was only some reasons why I loved this activity.

Alex D'Amico

Anonymous said...

The layout of the site was very organized and easy to access. There was sections so when I wanted to look up something about a certain topic I could. In each section there was a story, something to explore and a challenge.

@ Jade pendant
This jade pendant is decorated with animal heads.

This cong is hollow all the way through. It would have been drilled from both sides using a metal tube treated with abrasives.

@ Wine vessel
It would have been used at ancient Chinese rituals to hold wine. The model for this object was made with loess.

My favorite activity was watching the stories being animated. It was really cool in my opinion and it made the story easier to understand and what was going on. Another activity I liked was looking at what people made in the Ancient times.

Anonymous said...

I liked the website because it was easy to find information and was very organized. my favorite activity was the stories exspecialy the ones about Nu Gua. some artifacts were Bi, vessels and sericulture

Anonymous said...

The first question is asking what is a philolgist is someone who studies the history of languge. Question number two is asking why is the turfan depression known as one of the "furnaces" of china? I answered that question by saying the turfdan depression known as the furnes of china because of its hot heat. Question three is asking which river is also known as the long river? I answered that question as the yellow river is also known as the long river. For question four it asks who became the poor and unlucky people on earth? I wrote the people fromed by the cane became the poor and unlucky. Question five is asking me what is jade made out of? Jade is made out of nephrite. On question six it is asking me what does bi mean? Bi means a large flat disks with a central hole. For question seven is asks what sericulture mean? It means the raising of silkworms in order to obtain silk.
Question eight means why is Qin Huangdi? Qin Huangdi was known for stopping the state of war. Question nine asks what period of days was the Shang dynasty calendar based.
It was based on a period of 60 days. Last question asks me why is it so important to please you ancestors in Ancient China? The gods got mad.

Anonymous said...

Ms, Zawisza
i found everything on the website good. Everything i wanted to know i found. When you go to the page, it shows the most important subjects and if you click on it it shows a picture of the subject and if you click on the picture it tells what they have and what its about with that subject.
The three different artifacts you can find on this website are a bi. Which is a plate with a hole in the center of it. When someone dies they put that on top of the corpse. Another is you can find a rams head on a piece of bronze. Bronze was used to make pots, bells and mirrors, etc. The last artifact you can find is writing. Pictures of how they wrote and what they wrote on.
My favorite activity of this website is when you went to the story sections and there would be picture and the pictures would move. It helped me a lot because it showed me what they did and how they did it.


Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was set up in different sections that hold the answers to the 10 questions. Each section had explore, story and challenge. the only thing i found hard was looking for each and every answer having to scroll through each annoying section...
Three artifacts i found include:
bi- a donut shaped ring with a whole in the middle
coffins- in tombs
dagger handle- in tombs.
My favorite activity was matching the people to their type of homes in ancient china.

Anonymous said...

The layout in this exhibit was set up in many different sections which tell you about that topic. Each big topic had its own three little sections called story, explore, and challenge. Most of the answers to the questions were found in those three sections. It was a little hard to find the answers since they were all spread out.

1) bi- circular shape with a hole in the middle like a donut
2) Shang Dynasty calender
3) Jade Plaques-help protect the dead body

My favorite activity on this website was trying to guess the names of the many different things in Chinese. I didnt do such a good job but it was still fun trying to math them up and see if you got it right. It felt good wen I got one right.

Anonymous said...

it has different sections for the different sections. it made it in every little detail for the sections. they made sure about finding things in categories.

- the calender the Shang dynasty used for 60 days
-the end of the dagger in the tomb.
-the cow statue on the geography page

the one with the matching words. it was like i was on a game show like wheel of fortune or press your luck.

Anonymous said...

okay so the thing that i think about the layout is in many different ways. one way that i think about the layout in the ancient china website is kind of cool in ways because its like dark and everything and then all of a sudden, POP, its like cool and thats about it. Another thing that i though about the layout is it was very hard to find the places were the answers were from because they had so many different sections and if you don't no much about the things of China then its very hard.

a brief three artifacts that i saw on the website is:

1) The Bi. [:
2) Pots and bowls. :p
3) The stones that they put the writing on. :)

my favorite activity that we did on the website is the game that you get a word and then you have a picture and then you have to try and match up the right Chinese symbol to the right picture and word. another thing that i enjoyed is trying to match the right people up to the right climate. that one was another good one! :p


Anonymous said...

i liked when there was a waterfall in the ski then the lava covered the crack in the ski. the bi was like a bid green donut. the clay people were very detailed. the stones were they put there writing on. my favorite activity was the match up game

Anonymous said...

The layout of the website was good. It was also fun because of some of the games that we got to play and watch some of the mini videos for the folktales. Finding some of the stuff a little challenging, but i got through it.

*Rams head on bronze ritual vessel-a rams head on a vase thing.

*Dragon pendant-a lizard shape type of thing

*Jade pendant-Decorated with animal heads

My favorite activity was the little game that you had to put the little figures in the right section of China.I got stuck in one part that i had to put a guy behind a panda. i couldn't see the terrain behind the panda so i stayed there look for about 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit is pretty organized. First, you would see five categories. When you click one, it would further describe details that had to do with the category. Then, there were three sub-categories which were of a story, "explore", and challenge that linked to the subject. It was easy at times to find specific things. Some were hard to find because they were hidden in the stories!

One artifact that i found was a bi. A bi is a circular object with chinese text on it.
Another artifact is the jade. It is made out of nephrite (a tough, hard material). It's believed to have magical properties!
Another artifact is a wine vessel. At ancient Chinese rituals, it would hold in the wine.

My favorite activity is organizing the periods characters based on the day and order it is in on the Time section. It was a bit challenging and hard to remember. Overall, it was fun.

Anonymous said...

I really liked exploring the Ancient China website. The website was sectioned into different areas of Ancient China, Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. In each of these sections there was information about said section and 3 other links titled Story, Explore, and Challenge. I had a lot of fun clicking on the different links and exploring the site. It was easy to get around in which is good because most websites aren't that easy.

Artifacts that I chose:
~ Jade, how it held importance in the elites.
~ Sericulture, raising the sild worms to make silk.
~ Bronze, how they would cast the objects.

My favorite things in the whole site were the stories about the ancient myths or legends. I really enjoyed reading about Nu Gua and others. But i also really liked the maps of China that we could fool around with.

Anonymous said...

The website that Ms.Zawisza assigned to us was very easy to follow. The sections where divided up so you new were you could find the information. The website was not that hard for me. I really liked looking around and searching for the information.

1) Jade was made out of nephrite.
2)Bi is a large flat disks with a central hole.
3)What period of days was the calendar based on? 60 days

My favortie activity on the website was finding the key words, for example what's a philologist?
I liked going around in all the different sections and finding the deffention.

Anonymous said...

Mitchell perrin ;( >.< :) T.T *.* 0.0
I really liked this website. I got so very caught up in the learning the first whole period i didn't get a single answer put down on my work sheet. But then i tried to get to get some answer but it was very confusing.

Three artifacts i saw where
- The steel weapon
- Halberd
- Body jade

My favorite activity on the website was the calendar. I had to put the weird looking shapes in order and i did it not knowing the patter on the top with the so and so is always every so and so i spent about ten minutes trying to do a lot so some info would come up before i notice it was on the top of the page

Anonymous said...

I personally liked the layuot of the exhibit. I liked how it was broken up into different sections, that made it easy to find each answer. The different parts were: Crafts and Artisians, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors and finally wrting. And also each section was broken up into different mini-sections.

Three artifacts i noticed were:

-bi, which was acircular object with a hole in the middle and it had some type of chinese writing on it.
-Jade, was made out of nephrite, peopel beilived it had some type of magical properties.
-sericulture, was raising of silk worms to make silk.

My favorite activity would have to be the geography challenge, where you got a little description of where people lived and have to match them with the correct place on the map.

Anonymous said...

Talia Flores

I think the Ancient China website for the British Museum was an organized,fun,and rewarding way to learn about Ancient Chinese culture, geography, and way of life. The layout of the exhibit includes all five of the main points in their culture; Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. Each of these sections includes a story, explore. and challenge section to show and tell you more about China. They also include activities and games to help you understand what they are saying; which I find helpful.

Inside the exhibit there are many old artifacts of Chinese culture.

*The Bi, which is a disk made out of jade that was used in their culture.
*A dageger handle that was found in a tomb.
*A ram's head on a bronze ritual vessel

My favorite activity was the challenges, like the one where you had to help the people and animals go home and put them in the right sections of the map. I also enjoyed the myth of Nu Gua.

<3 =]

Anonymous said...

Ms. Zawisza, I think that this exhibit's website is not so bad! First of all, it was very organized. For example, it was divided into five(5) different categories:
1. Crafts and artisans.
2. Geography.
3. Time.
4. Tombs and ancestors.
5. Writing.
Another great thing about it was that everything was clear. For example, I really understood everything that I was reading and watching!
Three things that can be found in the exhibit are:
1. Belt: It is a jade pebble that has been carved from just one jade pebble!
2. Vine vessel: It would have been used at ancient
Chinese rituals to hold wine.
3. Chariot Fittings: They are fittings for a chariot. Each one is decorated with a man riding a taotie (monster).
My most favorite activity out of this entire website was the part where we got to read the stories, because they were very interesting to read.

Anonymous said...

In the website of the British Museum has many sections with lots of information. The information is based on Crafts/Artisans, Geography, Time, Tomb/Ancestors, and Writing. Each section obtains interesting folktales with entertaining cartoons.I saw three artifacts...
1)The Jade Bi-a large flat disks with a central hole.
2) Sericulture-silk making process.
3)Vessels- pots and bowls inside the Tombs.

My favorite activity was reading the folktales on each section. I saw this because it was so funny to see all these cartoons make all this movement just to go with the descriptions of the story. It even gave me the moral idea in a visual way.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this website. The way they arranged the exhibit in different sections, made it much easier to find the answers. I also really enjoyed reading all of the folk tales that came with the information. It was smart to post actual scientific information, and then use the stories to put everything in terms we could better understand.
These artifacts, i really enjoyed learning about.
1)Bowl with inlaid glass(very intricate)
2)Ding(weird little thing)
3)Bell(cool to see what it was made of and how old it was)
My favorite activity was just finding the answers to all of the questions. It was actually a lot more interesting than i would have thought.

Anonymous said...

ms.zawisa i kinda like this website because there are alot of fun stuff to do on it.also the story on the website is cool sonce it moves around and also the storys on here are very interesting.

the thing that i really like about the website are all the games the thing i liked about it is that it was very interesting ang fun the other thing that i don't like about it is that it's educational.

Anonymous said...

This website was an really exciting and fun website.We learned about new details and facts on the geography,arts and crafts and also about there time.I thought that it was an easy website and it would be boring to find the answers of the questions you gave us.It turned put that it was hard and confusing but also fun.
The three artifacts was:
1)Nu Gua legend
2)Shang dynasty
3)Long river
My favorite activity was to find the vocabulary words that you gave us to search. It took me sometime but it was really fun and exciting.

Anonymous said...

The British Museum's website was very organized and I found everything for my web quest very quickly. Almost all of the information was useful and helped me find the answers I needed. All of the categories (geography, crafts, etc.) were very specific. The only thing that I disliked was that my computer wouldn't load any games.

- Bi: A jade disk with a circular hole in the middle.

- Fast Potters Wheel: Used to make clay models quick and neatly.

- Porcelain: A delicate, yet hard type of ceramic.

As I already mentioned, I could not do any of the gaming activities. So I guess my favorite part was reading the different folk tales for each section. It was interesting to see how the people of Ancient China believed everything was made.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was set up into 5 different sections to research. It told us about different artifacts and told us stories about how the artifacts and people came to be. It was kind of confusing that the questions weren't in the same order so i was challenging to find them.
One artifact that you can find in the exhibit is the jade. The jade is made out of Nephrite and is one of the most prized materials in china. Another artifact in the exhibit is the bi. The bi is a large flat disk with a central hole. And the last artifact is Bronze. Bronze was used to make ritual vessels, plots, bells, mirrors, and weapons.
My favorite thing in this activity was reading about how some of these artifacts were made and ho they were used.

Anonymous said...

The website was divided into many different sections that tell us about lots of different things in the museum. Each section talks about different stories and artifacts. Finding information was rather hard but it was cool because if you were told where to go you wouldnt be able to look at everything else.

:)bi-a large disc with a center hole
:)vessels-pots and clay models
:)the golden handle from the sword

My favorite activity from this website was definetly pulling up artifacts and then being able to use a microscope to see inscriptions and all the little details

Anonymous said...

Greetings, the British museum was a very interesting website and is very important to learn about their history. The way they had a part for story, challenge and an explore section made it easier to navigate through it. I liked how in the story, there were pictures to go with it which just made it easier to understand

- Jaded: a prized material which was believed to have magical properties and to preserve the dead.
- Bi: a large flat disk with central hole
- sericulture:the raising of silk worms in order to obtainsilk

My favorite activity on the site was the game that you had to connect the picture with the characters.

Anonymous said...

the layout of the exhibit was nicely organized into category's of geography, writing, time, tomb and ancestors ect. Three artifacts that were in the exhibit were the bi witch was made of jade with a whole in the middle, the Shang dynasty calender with all the written characters, and, the items you put in the tombs to send over to the after life.My favorite activity was reading the stories about how the earth was made.

Anonymous said...

The Ancient China part of the British Museum had many different sections of the exhibit. Such as Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and writing. These all included stories, activities, etc.
Looking through the website i found 3 artifacts that had to do with burial ceremonies such as body jades which were put on an important lord, a Hu which would hold wine, and a Gui which was used to offer food to ancestors. My favorite activity was called "The Symbols Game" in which you match a word and picture with a Chinese character. This game taught me some symbols for certain words which was really cool.

Anonymous said...

Arielle Ahladianakis
The website was divided in to sections,it made it easier to find certin objects and anwser questions.The part I found most intersting was there was a story to go with each artifact.I honistley didnt know sericulture(raising silk worms to obtain silk)was first praticed in China.there was also a story on how jade was formed and found.They later made it in to a bi a flat disks with a central hole.Bronze was used to make bots belts wepons.my faviorite activity was looking at the story to go with each atifact.

Anonymous said...

The website was set up in 5 different sections, (Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing) Within these 5 sections there are 3 more sections, story, explore, and challenge.

1.)Sericulture when they took the silkworm and put it in the hot water to make the silk.
2.)Bi that was placed in tombs to protect the dead (a circle with a hole in the middle made out of bronze
3.)ritual vessels (like a pot or a vase)

My favorite activity was they one under Tombs and Ancestors when they gave you a little background information about them self and you had to pick out items that match there description.

Anonymous said...

I think that the website for the Chinese British Museum was very organized and also pretty fun to do. It showed five different layouts of the exhibit, which are the big part of the Chinese culture. They were Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing.

There were many artifacts that I could have written about but I just chose these:

1)Bi, which is a disk made out of Jade with a whole in the middle.
2)The dagger handle that was found in a tomb.
3)A ram's head on a bronze ritual vessel.

My favorite activity was when I was in Geography and I had to put those people in there right home that they described and do the same thing with some animals.

Anonymous said...

The China exhibit had five sections, crafts and artisans, geography, time, tombs and ancestors, and writing. You could click on any of these and there was a home page, after the home page you had three other sections, story, explore, and challenge. Story had a story involving the section you picked. Explore had a visual activity to do involving that section. Last the challenge had a game that you could play and a mini story going along with the section. The three coolest objects that I found in the exhibit were the bi, the hu wine vessel, and the gold dagger handle. The bi was made of jade, was flat and had a hole cut out in the middle of it. The hu wine vessel was made of bronze, it was made by having a liquid bronze poured into a clay model, after this hardened you would chip away the clay and after the air hit the bronze it would get a green tinge to it. My favorite object from the exhibit was the gold dagger handle. This was not as treasured in Ancient China as jade or bronze but was still really awesome. This was made by the lost ‘wax method’, this was when you put wax in some of the spaces and later melt it away to make a cool shape. My favorite activity was exploring the tomb because I thought it was cool how much they left the dead people, including other people who took there life for them.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit is very organized and informational.It was made and organized in a way that we must read all the text in order to find the information that you need.Now that i have explored the website ,i really want to visit the museum.One thing I liked was the man named Qin Shi Huangdi,Ii like how he had the idea of building the great wall of china.My favorite part of the website
was the graphics and all the pictures/ slideshow .

Anonymous said...

I really liked this exhibit because i think it was well laid out. The website was very well organized and was very easy and simple to use. It was fun reading about all the famous people from long ago in Ancient China, such this very interesting person named Qin Shi Huangdi, who was the person who thought of the idea to build the Great Wall of China. Also I like the Shang dynasty's idea of a 60-day calender, 6 weeks of 10 days each. Another very enjoyable thing that i learned was why Chinese people want to bring honor to their family and ancestors. It is because they believe that the spirits of their ancestors live with the God's
and can influence the Gods to either bring good or bad luck to the people. But in the end, my favorite pat was still learning about Qin Shi Huangdi.

Anonymous said...

The website had 5 different sections that told you all about life in ancient China, and the rulers, and the everyday people. The website showed you different artifacts that you can see at the actual museum like a bi, a jade pendant, or vessels which is pots and bowls. My favorite activity on the website would be "Furnishing Tombs" because you get to see what is supposed to go inside an actual tomb.

Anonymous said...

The China exhibit had five sections, crafts and artisans, geography, time, tombs and ancestors, and writing. You could click on any of these and there was a home page, after the home page you had three other sections, story, explore, and challenge.To find the answer to the questions wasn't hard, But you had to look for it because it wasn't in order.The three artifacts were vessels Which shoved pots bowls and other kind of kitchen stuff.The other artifacts was Hu which would hold wine.The final artifacts was the silk making they made silk with it.My favorite activity was the story's because at the story it showed the video of it and it made me understand better, like when you show us when we don't understand something at class to us.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was organized into five different sections. In each section you can look at the story, the challenge, and explore about the topic. The way it was organized made it easier to find things. There were also words that you can click on to get the definitions.
Three artifacts in the exhibit are a bronze bell, a bronze drum, and bi. Bronze bells have a straight line at the bottom and play one note when struck. Bronze drums have a tiger on the top, made of leather or wood, and are used like gongs. Lastly, bi are large flat disks with a central hole and were originally made in 3000 B.C.
My favorite activity was the symbols game because you could see how symbols in Chinese are similar to the actual object. In the activity you chose which symbol looks most like the object. Overall my favorite section was the crafts and artisans.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was set up with 5 places to visit. When you reach the place you get 3 choices once you've read the summary; story, explore and challenge. some of them allowed you to magnify and move around the picture which I thought was really cool. Everything was easy to find because it was so organized.

1)Ram's head on bronze ritual vessel
2)Dagger Handle
My favorite activity while doing this was on the writing section challenge where we get to match up the picture, English and Japanese character. I got a 75%!;)

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was split up into five different parts, crafts and Artisans, geography, time, Tombs and Ancestors, and writing. Three objects that were in the exhibit was a jade bi, which is a circle with a hole in the middle of it. There was a brass drum, which had tiger on the top of it and is played like a drum. There was also a brass bell. It had a straight line at the bottom and when it is played, it is struck. You also have to tune it. My favorite part of the activity was the symbols game. I liked the symbols game because I can see the similarities in the symbol with the object that it represents.

Anonymous said...

This website was set up in five different sections Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing.

The three artifacts:
1.Bi-a flat piece of Jade with a central hole.
2.Wine vessel-used in Chinese rituals to hold wine.
3.Bowl with inlaid glass

My favorite activity on the website was the challenge in the Tombs and Ancestors because i liked learning about the artifacts like the Jade Stag, Bronze zun, etc.

Anonymous said...

The website was set up very organized
and it was very easy to find everything if you had an idea of the topic that the question was on. The website showed five sections; Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. For each one when you click on it you are shown three more sections; Story, Explore and Challenge. In the story section, you are shown a brief story about the section. In the Explore section you can explore some more about that section. In the challenge section, you can take a challenge or a game that has something to do with the section

- Vessels: bowls and pots
- Bi: large flat disk with a central hole
- Jade Pendant: depictions of animal heads

My favorite activity on the website was exploring the ancient tombs. I liked this because I learned a lot about the cultures and what they did.

Anonymous said...

The exhibit was set up into five sections,
Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time,Tombs and Ancestors, and writing. The simplicity of that layout made the navigation of the site really easy. The exhibits artifacts included a valuable Jade bi, an intricate bowl with inlaid glass, and mysterious "dragon bones". My favorite activity was the symbols game where you try to guess which symbol goes with each word. I thoroughly enjoyed today's class.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit is very organized and helpful. The website was split up into different sections. I thought it was a little hard to find the answers to the questions because they were scattered all over the website and they weren't in any specific order

The first was a vessel. A vessel is a pot or a bowl

Another artifact was a bi. A bi is a large flat disk with a central hole.

The third was a jade pendant. It is a stone with depictions of animal heads.

My favorite activity was the story of Nu Gua. I really liked the animated illustrations. They made it much more enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit was very organized and it was pretty easy to find what you needed to learn or answer as long as you knew what the question was about and what it refers to. I thought it was cool how each section was divided into subsection and each one had different information but they were all related to the same topic. Three artifacts were,
Bi:a long flat disk with a central hole.
Vessels:bowls and pots
Jade Pendant:a stone with depictions of animal heads.
My favorite activity was watching the slide show on how the Earth was made by Pan Ku.

Anonymous said...

Chris Stanizzi

I liked this exhibit because it was nice, organized , and interesting. My favorite part of the exhibit was the stories. The Jade is one of the artifacts you can find in the exhibit, a Bi, and Sericulture .

Anonymous said...

I thought that this exhibit was nicely organized into separate sections. In each section there was a story, an explorer, and a challenge. all three of those had a lot of important information. There was a section on crafts and artisans, geography, time, tombs and ancestors, and writing. I learned a lot from each section even if there wasn't a question on it. i really liked the stories because i thought it was interesting how you can get real facts from a made up story.

Anonymous said...

The china exhibits were very good like how it had all of those games and the story's were fun to read as well. One artifact that was cool was the one that looked like a snake with the big eyes sticking out. Another artifact was the one that look like a vase with all of the different colors. My favorite activity were reading the story's because it had lots of details and lot of facts about china. That's what I like about the China exhibit

Anonymous said...

The website was really cool. it had five differen parts to it. they had Crafts, Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. if you click in one of those you get to a part that said story or explore and the challege. they had all different info and were really organized.i like that the stories had pictures and had lots of information that was cool and important. like who Nu gua built the first people on earth. my favorite part was the pictures and the stories.

Anonymous said...

The China exhibit had many different sections. Geography, Crafts and Artisans, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and writing. There were many different Artifacts on the website. One of my favorite objects was the Jade, because I thought it was very interesting how the Jade was one of China's most prized materials and also very hard. Another thing I liked was Qin Shi Huangdi. I like how he created the great wall of China, and he united China into an empire. Another thing I liked about this website was the story of Nu Gua. I liked how the pictures move and how the story was written. Out of all of these things I think my favorite was the story of Nu Gua.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the website was very organized. I also thought that it had a lot of good information about ancient China and it made me want to study about China even more then before. Since the website was so organized it helped me find a lot information it told me about the longest river in China. It also had information on what jade was made of and why QIN Shi was so important. In this website i would say that my favorite activty would be reading about the legend of NU GUA it was very interstring.

Anonymous said...

The British Museum site was very well organized. It was set up into 5 different categories (crafts, geography, time, tombs and ancestors and writing)

bi= a large flat disk with a central hole
ceramics= vessels were often placed in tombs as copies of the more expensive bronze vessels
jade Jade had a very special meaning in ancient Chinese burials It was thought to provide protection from bad spirits and to preserve the body in the tomb

My favorite activity on the site was the activity under writing when we had to match the picture and word in english to the word written in the chinese character(the symbols game) it was kind of confusing to me cause i didn't think some of the characters looked like the words given.
but other then that i think this site was very well organized and informational, and you could find everything on the site without having to go to any additional sites to look for the answers to the questions

Anonymous said...

I really liked the web site because of the effects of the website. And I think it was really easy to get around. Their was parts that were hard to find but besides that it was easy.The jade is an artifact that i really liked because it was made out of clay. A nother artifact i liked was the ritual vessels which were made out of bronze. But my most was the chines kilns i liked the desine. My favorite part of the website was the challenges because it's easear to do your work and there are video games on it.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the website. It was very organized, and had plenty of information.The website was separated into five sections. Geography, Crafts and Artisans, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. I really liked when you had to click on the picture to see the information, it was something special and new. I also like the games, and I enjoyed watching the sideshows. Also, the layout of the site was very useful. I learned many new information about Ancient China.

Anonymous said...

The ancient China exhibit was really interesting. It was convenient and easy to find what you were looking for on the site, filled with so much information. Everything was very organized into little sections such as Crafts & Artisans, Geography, Time and more. In those sections there were tabs that said Story, Explore, or Challenge. My favorite was usually Challenge, because there were little games that helped you learn more about the topic. In the exhibit you can find Jade (thought to provide protection from bad spirits and to preserve the body in the tomb), Rams head (on bronze ritual vessel) and Bi (jade discs with a circular hole placed on tombs). My favorite activity in the whole site was the Geography challenge to find who lived in what area in China. It was interesting to see what kind of people (or animals) lived in what area in China, and why.

Anonymous said...

The website had different sections for each question. Each section led to a story or just a timeline. We can learn faster from this. Like China's geography, China's Writting. Everbody deserves to learn about china this website helped us and encouraged us to learn it.

If you wanna learn about the Shang Dynasty and how it was the earliest period. Also China worshipped different gods - weather gods and sky gods - and also a higher god who ruled over the other gods, called Shang-Ti. People who lived during the Shang Dynasty also believed that their ancestors - their parents and grandparents - became like gods when they died, and that their ancestors wanted to be worshipped too, like gods. Each family worshipped their own ancestors.

My favortie part of the Ancient China site was the Tombs and Ancestors. It was very intresting that people thought that there was life after death. And how when somebody died they would make different kinds of objects for the after life such as weapons, and personal ornaments.

Anonymous said...

Promises, Directed by BZ Goldberg, is 106 minute movie rated Nr. It is about 7 children living in Israel during the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Some of them are Arabian, some Palestinian, and some Jewish. They all have different perspectives on the war and you get to hear all of them. The names of the 7 kids are Yarko and Daniel (twins), Faraj, Sanabel, Moishe, Shlomo, and Mahmoud. Promises effectively shows the difference in opinions on the war between the seven kids and how they deal with them.

Anonymous said...

My whole thesis statement was very long so I've decided to post just part of it. :)

-Promises is 106 mintues long movie based on 8 diffrent kids with 6 diffrent families. The movie is about the Muslim-Jewish conflict, and in the movie it gets the prospective of both sides. The Palestinian side is backed up by Sanabel, Mahmoud, and Faraj. And the jewish side is backed up by Yarko and his brother Daniel, Shlomo, Moish and his sister. This movie is directed by 3 people; BZ Goldberg, Carlos Bolado and Justin Shapiro. Even though Bz did a good job on getting both sides opinions very well, I think that the way of Interviewing the children was inapropriate- he looked for more information than we would expect from that age level. Interviewing teenagers or young adults would've given him what he went there looking for. I also think that the kids were told what to say, since there responses were so advanced.

Anonymous said...

Zach Pilla

(Promises, B.Z. Goldberg, Justine Shapiro, Carlos Bolado, 106 minutes, N/R) Promises shows the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a child’s standpoint and conveys the message that conflict could be resolved and friendships could be made if more people were educated about the other sides reasoning behind their actions. Also, Promises shows the harsh reality the two sides are faced with in their daily life.
During this documentary some of the children were brought together to meet each other. All of the children who went on this trip to meet each other enjoyed their time. This visit with the other side had an immense impact on the children’s view of the other side. After the visit the two brothers Yarko and Daniel both were interviewed agreeing that the Palestinian children were just like them, they loved to play the same games and talk about the same topics. With this new information it taught the brothers that there impression, which was that all Palestinians were terrorists was far from correct. As I said before the children enjoyed the same recreational activities, one of which being when Sanabel taught Yarko how to perform a Palestinian dance. During this time, the two seemed to bond and interact just like children without violent backgrounds against each others people would have. Sanabel and Yarko seemed to become friends this day and it was the first friend that either of them had ever had coming from their corresponding side.
On the contrary the harsh, but sadly true reality to this situation was that after B.Z. Goldberg left, the children’s friendship ended, because of many complications from both sides. During the interview Faraj started to cry, when asked why, he answered, “After B.Z. leaves we will no longer have a friendship with Yarko and Daniel.” This almost repeats exactly what was stated above. Showing that even the children know it is true. Later on, when B.Z. returned in 2004 two years after Sanabel, Yarko and Deniel spent time together in America for the Academy awards. She was told that the brothers had joined the army. She was very upset because after there friendship had grown even greater in America, now they were fighting against her people. She felt betrayed and that she had lost her friendship with the boys. Yarko and Daniel responded saying that they had to do what was ‘right’. I for one think the boys had their new opinions forced upon them by the Israeli army during their mandatory service.
Promises, featuring Yarko, Daniel, Faraj, Sanabel, Shlomo, Mahmoud, Moishe and Raheli, was and outstanding documentary with great point of views from a younger prospective, although controversial in many peoples eyes. I think it was a well directed film with good detailed information.

Anja Skelic said...

I just came back from London! Well... not really but I explored The Ancient China Exhibit online. :) The layout was organized and I liked the pictures. There was basically a picture with every caption or story. Also there were links to words that you might not know and it shows the definition. Three artifacts were

1. The Yangzi River. It's the longest river in the world.
2. Jade bi from Shang dynasty. The inscription is from the 18th century A.D.
3. The dagger handle, it was found in a tomb.

My favorite activity was reading the stories and looking at the picture. They were interesting because the pictures were animated.

angelika said...

I was just in london visiting the bristish museum looking at the ancient china exibit. The layout was very organized and intersesting to look at, and had ton of information.
3 artifacts:
1. bi-large flat disk with a central hole made out of jade
2. kilns- A furnace or oven for baking or drying ceramics.
3.cong- from Neolithic period.

My favorite activity was probably watching the short movies and aninations becasue they were very informational and nice to look at. It helped me see how things really were even tho they was anitmated.
i loved the exibit overall.

monica iarossi said...

The layout of the musuem has 5 different sections, Crafts & Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs & Ancestors,and Writing. Each section has a story, explore, and challenge button that has specific information about each section. Three artifacts that can be found in the exhibit are a rams head made out of bronze, the dagger handle that was found in a tomb, and the cong from the neolithic period. My favorite activity was the jade workshop because i found it intersting on how they shaped jade, and who wore it.

James said...

It was hard to find somethings but It made it easier having different sections. I would have been easier if it told us which sections to look in but when we had to find words we could just think about it and notice what section it would fall under.

3 artifacts were:
And a bi

I like going into the challenge section where you had to match up a symbol with a word and a picture of something. it was easy though because you could tell by the symbol that it kind of looked like the picture.

tiana said...

When you enter the home page there are 5 different sections you can enter in the exhibit. Crafts and Artisans, geography, times, tombs and ancestors and writing. Each section you can enter, there is a brief story you can read and then you have two options. You can either click or explore or story and continue seeking information there. There are many artifacts in the museum. One of those artifacts is the dagger handle that was found in a tomb. Another artifact is the cong. The cong is hollow all the way through. Another artifact is the pendant. The jade pendant is decorated with animal heads. My favorite activity was the jade activity because it was interesting learning how jade was used and made and the pictures really helped to understand how things worked.

James Kapotsis said...

The Museum was easier to search with the different sections and made things easier to find. Some words I had trouble with thought because I didn't know what they meant.

3 artifacts were the tombs, vessels, and the dagger handle.

My favorite thing that I found was looking at the map because I could see how big the population was and the terrain, and I thought it was interesting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah One artifact that can be found in the exhibit is a jade pendant. It is decorated with depictions of animal heads, was probably found in a lord's tomb.
Another artifact I found was a ceramic wine vessel. It is very finely crafted, and has a regular shape. It looks as if it may have been thrown on a pottery wheel. It Has a hole In the Middle it looksz awsome.

Anonymous said...

The website was put on 5 floors one for writing, one for crafts, one for geography, and another for tombs and ancestors. A ceramic wine vessel was one of my favorite artifacts. Another artifact that I liked was the dragon head and the dagger handle. My favorite activity was the story in the silkworm challenge.

Shannon Cafua said...

The layout of this website was set up in 5 different sections. The sections were Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs amd Ancestors,and Writing. Each section had a story tab, explore tab, and challenge tab. Three artifacts that can be found in the exhibit are 1. vessels aka bowls and pots 2. bi are a large flat disk with a central hole and 3. The Jade Pendant which has depictions of animal heads. My favorite activity on this site was skimming the story's and reading them along with the pictures above them.

Anonymous said...

The website contained several different links about different subject in the exhibit. The sections talk about crafts and afrticates, geaography, time, and writing and tombs and ancestors. An artifact i found is the jade pendent. its decorated with pictures of animal heads and was most likely found in the lords tomb.In addition, i liked the ceramic wine vessel. it is neatly made and has an ordinary shape.it looks like it associates in making pottery. a last artifact is the cong. It is hollow b/c it was drilled with a metal tube.

My favorite activity was the crafts section because it was written clearly and was easy to understand, compaired to other parts of the exhibit. And it was very informational. i found it fasinating to see the difference in the style of the pottery between the ancient times and now. And art really fasincates me so i found this part especially amusing.

Nick said...

The layout of this website is very good. The reason why i say this is because it is very easy to find the answer of the question you have. also it gives you very good facts about ancient china.

3 artifacts
1 jade
2 bi
3 the silk making is sericulture

my favorite activity was when you read the story the pictures move and they tell you about it. That is my favorite activity.

Anonymous said...

The web had different parts that told about all these intresting thing. They have some new words I didnt know about and also some artificats from ancient China. It was hard to find the answers to the questions. It was hard beacuse everything was randomly put in different places.

The 3 Artifacts
1- Bi a large flat disk with a central hole.
2- Sericulture it was silk making.
3- Coffins

My favorite activity was crafts beacuse it was really intresting to me.I loved reading about the bronze and jade and then after reading the magical properties of jade.

Melissa Loumi said...

The web had different parts that told about all these intresting thing. They have some new words I didnt know about and also some artificats from ancient China. It was hard to find the answers to the questions. It was hard beacuse everything was randomly put in different places.

The 3 Artifacts
1- Bi a large flat disk with a central hole.
2- Sericulture it was silk making.
3- Coffins

My favorite activity was crafts beacuse it was really intresting to me.I loved reading about the bronze and jade and then after reading the magical properties of jade.

chloe said...

the website was set up in 5 different sections. for example.... all the sections were: crafts and artisan, geography,time tombs and ancestors and the last one writing. i think that the website was really useful and gave alot of good info, but they were hard to find. my favorite activity was the jade because i found it intresting on how they made it, and what they used.

adrine h said...

The website contained several different links about different subject in the exhibit. The sections talk about crafts and afrticates, geaography, time, and writing and tombs and ancestors. An artifact i found is the jade pendent. its decorated with pictures of animal heads and was most likely found in the lords tomb.In addition, i liked the ceramic wine vessel. it is neatly made and has an ordinary shape.it looks like it associates in making pottery. a last artifact is the cong. It is hollow b/c it was drilled with a metal tube.

My favorite activity was the crafts section because it was written clearly and was easy to understand, compaired to other parts of the exhibit. And it was very informational. i found it fasinating to see the difference in the style of the pottery between the ancient times and now. And art really fasincates me so i found this part especially amusing.

SABRINA said...

The website was put on 5 floors one for writing, one for crafts, one for geography, and another for tombs and ancestors. A ceramic wine vessel was one of my favorite artifacts. Another artifact that I liked was the dragon head and the dagger handle. My favorite activity was the story in the silkworm challenge.

SABRINA said...

The website was put on 5 floors one for writing, one for crafts, one for geography, and another for tombs and ancestors. A ceramic wine vessel was one of my favorite artifacts. Another artifact that I liked was the dragon head and the dagger handle. My favorite activity was the story in the silkworm challenge.

gerricas said...

Yeah One artifact that can be found in the exhibit is a jade pendant. It is decorated with depictions of animal heads, was probably found in a lord's tomb.
Another artifact I found was a ceramic wine vessel. It is very finely crafted, and has a regular shape. It looks as if it may have been thrown on a pottery wheel. It Has a hole In the Middle it looksz awsome.

Matt Banks said...

The british museum virtual tour of china was layed out into five convienitent catagories that you can use to find all the information you need. the categories are time, geography, writing, crafts and artisans, and tombs and ancestors. the categories are very straight foward and are easy to use.

an amazing artifact was the jade dragon pendant. it was made out of jade and crarved with a bamboo stick coated with abrasive.

another nice artifact is the bronze hu. it was very decroativly carved and is quite nice.

a very nice artifact is the cong made out of bronze. it is symmetrical and preety.

my favorite activity is the tomb activity. it was fun to choose the right objects for each person.

anthony said...

it was very interesting and my 3 favorite artifacts were the bowl with inlaid glass and the wine vessel also i liked the pot they were all interesting and they were fun to learn about.

Deirdre said...

the layout was good and it was easy to locate things. the 3 artifacts i found were... BI- a circle type thing with a hole in the middle. VESSELS- pots or bowls they used. SERICULTURE- the way of using silk worms in order to make beautiful silk!

Adeline said...

I looked at the British museum in London and it had great facts and artifacts on China. There was jade and it is a very important object in china. There is a person that study's the history of language that is called a philologist. In China they think you have to please your ancestors, if you don't, you will be unlucky and have no guidance and will not have a good fortune. My favorite activity was about having to please their ancestors because it is so different then what we know about now.

Christine Karakouzian said...

The layout of the exhibit was very organized and colorful and the stories were detailed.One artifact was called jade which is something made out of nephrite which is a heavy and strong metal.Another artifact is the shang dynasty calendar based around the time of 1500-1050 B.C.The last artifact is a Bi which is a large flat disk with a hole in the middle.My favorite activity was reading the stories of each catagory.

Mykala said...

Mykaaaaaala Jordaaaan ;)

It was set up differently by sections that describe everything. I thought finding things was more on the difficult side, but I actually got the work done.


-sericulture (the silk making)
-vessels (bowls, pots)
-bi- a circular thing with a hole in the middle i think made out of jadeeeee.

My favorite activity on the website was the game.

Anna said...

The website was set up in to 5 different parts, crafts and artisians,geography, time, tools and accesories, and lastly writing. When you picked one of the subjects, it takes you to a info sheet, with three other sub categories, story, challenge and explore. It was set up easily, and I was able to find everything easily, but there was lot's of reading, so that takes a while.

Jade- a hard, very tough material called nephrite.
Bi- A large flat disk wth a hole in the center of it.
Vessel- A pot or bowl, tha twould hold stuff

My favorite activity on the website was the tomb, where you got to choose what was right to go into the tomb and what was not. It was fun and hard at the same time, cause you din't really know what went where.

katie said...

the set up of this site was divided into five main categories that have little links in and around the presentation of each subject.
three artifacts that were in the exibet are:
1. rams head on a bronze ritual vessal
2. a dagger handle which was found in a tomb and apears to be gold. it is very detailed because it hes tiny intertwined carved vines.
3. a cong which is from the neolithic period and looks like a tall piller with cuts in it's sides.
my favorite activity was the sericoulture one that has to do with silk weevers. i highly recomend it to who ever is up to this enjoyable game.

Sam Cohen said...

I thought that the exhibit was not set up very well. It was hard to find the information that I needed. This may be why Ms. Zawisza chose it for a webquest.

The exhibit was set up with different sections. If you wanted to find something you would have to look through all the different sections. There was a basic info section then a story and exploration section.

1. A bronze ritual vessel with a rams head
2. The beautiful jade pendant decorated with animal heads
3. The jade Cong a hollow tube drilled all the way through

My favorite activity was reading the story about how the chinese think that the world was created.by Pangu. How Pangu's body formed all the landforms that we know today

Doug Leon said...

Doug Leon

I think the layout of the exhibit was not organized well. It was hard to find the information that you needed to answer and it was hard to navigate.

Three artifacts that can be found in the exhibit are:
1) A elegant Jade pendant
2) Bi-a circular artifact with scripture on it and a hole in the middle
3) You can find a long vessel that is with a rams head

I liked the stories that went along with items because they helped me understand what the items really were and didn't just go over my head I also liked the game where you had to please the ancestors

john kupelian said...

The exhibit has 5 topics you can click on to learn about but the information you are looking for is hard to find becuase you cant just find the anwser right away.

Three artifacts you can find in
the exhibit are...
1) pots,vessels and bells
2)silkworms in which you obtain silk from
3) jade which you can make pottery from

My favorite activity was when you had to pick valuable items to put into a tomb of someone important to show their rank or power.

Andrew Eskici said...

The layout of the Ancient China wing of the British Museum seems very interesting. There are different categories to choose from including crafts and artisans, geography, time, tombs and ancestors, and writing. Once you click on one of the items it takes you to a page where it describes them with more detail along with pictures.
Bronze was used to make ritual vessels, pots, bells, mirrors and weapons. They were able to cast bronze in order for the object to be ornately decorated. I found it very interesting that they kept the production of silk secret for hundreds of years. After it was finally exposed, it became very popular all over the world. When they developed kilns, which are an oven for baking and drying ceramics, they were able to make ceramics at an even higher quality.
My favorite activity of the Ancient Chinese is the use of logograms when they write. Instead of using letters like us, they use symbols that represent words. I have always wanted to learn how to write a few words maybe even sentences in Chinese logograms.

Kailine P said...

The website was made up into different sections that told you things about ancient China.Each section had one topic which made it kind of easier to find somethings. Others were mixed into the sections and that made it really hard to find them.

-Jade (one of the most prized materials in China)
-Chinese tombs
-Bi (a disc made out of jade)

My favorite activity on the website was putting the people or animals in here they belong. For example, I would put the elephant in the rain forest becuase most elephants live in a place like that.

Anonymous said...

Arthur N.

I thought the webquest was interesting because we could look at different topics of Ancient China. My favorite topic was jewelry because Jade was very rare and important to China.

Three artifacts that u can find in the exhibit

1. A long bronze vessel with ram heads.

2. A unique jade pendant decorated with lots of animal head.

3.Jade and other jewelry that you can make pottery with.

Overall I thought the activity and the exhibit was interesting to see.

Kira Peterson said...

The exhibit has 5 sections called Crafts and Artisans, Geography, Time, Tombs and Ancestors, and Writing. It is pretty easy to find what you need to find, but I did have to do a little searching.

Some artifacts I spotted were a bronze ram's head (carved sculpture), a bi (large flat disk with a hole in the center), and a golden dagger handle (really pretty!).

My favorite activity was the Geography challenge. You have to find who lived in what area in China. It was cool to see what kind of people and animals lived in what area in China, and why.

Harry said...

The exhibit has 5 different sections that gives you information about ancient China.

3 object:
Jade- made out of bronze.
Bi- donuts shaped.
ram's head- made of bronze.

My favorite activity was the challenge in Tombs and Ancestors section.

vinnie said...

The website was kind of like a real museum, you had to look for stuff instead of just getting it right away.

three artifacts were the:
1)Bi- donut shaped artifacted put on a dead mans chest to keep evil spirits away
2)ram's head- head of a ram made of bronze
3)jade- stone used to make tools, holy items, weapons, or jewellery

I liked the tomb activity

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The website was different because there was games and a story. Also it talked about each section a little. But it was very organized and it was easy to look for the answers. One artifact was bronze and it was used to make vessels, pots, bells,mirrors, and weapons. Another artifact was called jade. Jade was used to make bi and bi were flat disks with a central hole. The last artifact that i found was Sericulture. And that was the raising of silkworms in order to keep silk. My favorite activity were the games you played at the end because it was fun but at the same time you could learn from it

Anonymous said...

I found it helpful that the web exhibit was divided into five different topics, this made things easy to search for. As I continued to explore the website I read stories and looked at artifacts and even went on a virtual tour of an Ancient Chinese tomb. It was very interactive so I could click on an object and it would give me background information on it.

Xing Hou Gui- an inscribed vessel used for ritual ceremony food and drink

Bi- large flat disks with a central hole, first made in about 3000 B.C.

Servant's Coffin- used to contain the body of one of the lord's servants

My favorite activity was reading the story about Nu Gua and how she created people from yellow clay. The story was animated which brought the story to life.

Anonymous said...

The website is split up into five different sections to look at. the five are crafts and artisans, time, geography, writing, and tombs and ancestors. You can click on each subject to learn about it. three different artifacts you can find are
1)a bi= large flat disc with a central hole, made of jade
2) Bronze vessel= a pot/cup used to hold food or drinks for ceremonies.
3) you= a wine vessel made of bronze and decorated, made specifically to hold wine for parties or ceremonies.
My favorite activity on this website was probably the legend of Nu Gua. It was fun and interesting to learn legends about how people came to be. It was a very fun story so that had to of been my favorite part.

Anonymous said...

The Ancient China exhibit in the British Museum was good, it had lots of information, and organized nicely. It told stories about what the Ancient Chinese people believed, and showed you timelines, artifacts, geography, and more.

1)Coin- was their money, each state had their own until they were combined into one empire.
2)wood slips- most likely an early version of a book or pamphlets.
3)Bronze ritual vessel- food and drinks would be placed in it during ritual ceremony for an ancestor.

My favorite activity would probably be the stories because they were interesting to read.

Anonymous said...

The layout of the exhibit consist of an organized website that is easy to read and understand. The bi, what you put on the bodies in the tombs was made of jade. Jade is made of nephrite, a very tough and hard material. Another exhibit that i found was about sericulture, the process in which people raise silkworms for their silk that is produced. They use that silk for fabric and even clothing. My favorite activity was watching all the mini story books/videos that came with each exhibit. It was cool to show how they believed in the gods.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the website was very good, and very useful. It helped me find my answers very fast, and very easily. Each set of information, was good for me, because I learned a lot of new things about China that were very interesting, and I also learned about all of the important thing that happened in their history, like the Shang Dynasty. I didn't learn a lot about it, but I did learn that it was a period of sixty days, and divided into six ten day weeks, which I thought was very interesting to me. I also liked the way that the whole website was set up. It was very cool on how they had all of those categories, and you could go to each one and learn something new in each paragraph. I was reading in the category of writing and I learned that a girl dropped a silkworm into a pot of water and it turned into silk. I thought that was a very interesting and cool fact. I cant wait to learn more about china.

Bronze= a metal made by melting copper, tin, and sometimes lead

Basin= a very long area of land surrounding a river

logograms= a sign or symbol representing a word.

My favorite thing that I learned about was to Shang Dynasty. I thought that it was really cool and very interesting, and I cant wait to learn more about it.

Anonymous said...

I really like the exhibit on Ancient China. It is very informative and easy to understand. I especially love all the artifacts and pictures it includes. It makes learning fun and not boring at all. There are five major sections to the exhibit. They are called "Crafts and Artisans", "Geography", "Time",
"Tombs and Ancestors", and "Writing". My favorite activity in the exhibit is learning about the tombs and ancestors. I especially love learning about ancient burials and rituals. I find it so interesting. You can find many different artifacts throughout the exhibit. For example, you can find a dagger handle. It was found in a tomb, and was very intricately designed. You can also find a Jade bi in the exhibit. That is a flat disk, made from Jade, with a hole in the center. It is from the Shang Dynasty, and the inscription is from the 18th century A.D. Lastly, you can find a ram's head. It is on a brone ritual vessel. Over all, this exhibit is an easy and fun way to learn about Ancient China.